Alexei Butirskiy
Over the past twenty years, the artistic evolution of Alexei Butirskiy and his extraordinary talent can only be described as remarkable.
In 1998: Alexei Butirskiy, a classically trained painter, earned his MFA from the Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture—renowned as one of the most prestigious art universities in the world.
Since 1996: Butirskiy has participated in nearly 200 gallery exhibitions, museum shows, and auctions across Russia, England, France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Morocco, Canada, and the United States, earning widespread recognition for his work.
Since 2001: North American collectors have witnessed the growing creativity, quality, and diversity of Alexei’s exceptional paintings, which continue to captivate audiences.
The Never-Ending Growth of a Master
The “Butirskiy Phenomenon” lies in his relentless professional growth. Alexei continues to share his extraordinary talent through his stunning new masterpieces, with subject matter expanding geographically. He has beautifully captured the essence of Rome and Venice in Italy, the vibrant streets of Seville and Barcelona in Spain, and the charm of London, England. He has brought to life the colors of Rabat, Marrakech, and Casablanca in Morocco, while his visits to Paris and Prague have produced breathtaking works of those iconic cities.
In his second homeland of America, Alexei has explored and painted captivating scenes from Florida, Washington, D.C., Sedona, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, New York, New Orleans, Lake Tahoe, and countless places in between.
Inspired by his travels, Alexei continues to push the boundaries of his artistry. He experiments with intricate graphics and achieves dazzling effects through various techniques. Combining acrylic, charcoal, toned paper, gouache, sepia, sanguine, pencil, India ink, varnish, linseed oil, and oil paint, he creates unique and refreshing compositions that command the attention of art connoisseurs worldwide.
With every creation, Alexei Butirskiy invites us to see the world through his ever-expanding vision, proving that his artistic journey is as boundless as his talent.

Every Butirskiy painting holds a silent poetry within: we can either pause to “listen” and uncover its deeper layers, or let our first impressions take over, allowing them to evoke a profound sense of presence.
For immediate assistance with Alexei Butirskiy artworks
and our professional framing options
please call us at…
Wyland Gallery Key West